Friday, 1 May 2015

The Kennedy Homes Tour

Today I headed off to Georgetown to do the Kennedy Homes Tour.  I was hoping to collect a map from the tourist bureau in Georgetown but apparently it is now closed.  Never mind I had made up my own list of addresses.  Georgetown is one of the most exclusive suburbs in Washington and is one of those cutsie pie ones with the picturebook houses etc.  It was not always like this and used to have a lot of quite smelly industrial areas in it.  President Kennedy lived in numerous addresses in Georgetown - but most of these were of the same Federation style and clearly very expensive.  Well it took me all day to walk around all the houses.  The people who lived in the houses must have found it quite strange having someone take photos of there houses - although I suspect this is not unusual for them as on my walk I met up with an English couple talking outside one of the addresses and they knew the circumstances of when Jackie lived in the house.  Kennedy used to eat in Martins Tavern - a very old and well established business.  Apparently there are five former Presidents that have eaten there reguarky.  Anyway apparently Kennedy proposed to Jackie in one of the booths - which is marked witha plaque.  Well one of the waiters let me in early and took photos of me in the booth - so when I went back there for lunch I gave him a 50% tip - the people at the next table could not believe it.  The food was delicious old fashioned cooking and I actuall got vegetables rather than potatoe chips and coldslaw.   The other exciting thing that happened today was that I actually found a Safeway supermarket - I was so excited I bought lots of fruit and yogurts etc - I really miss these when I am travelling.   The hotel I am staying in is wonderful as it is so close to all the attractions but there are not supermarkets close.

Tomorrow I am off on the Embassy tour - each May there are free activities in Washington - how many I actually see will depend on the line waiting to get in.

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