WellI have spent the last three days in Chicago - a truly beautiful city. I came down on the Amtrax - in the business class sectiom which is threet times more expensive than th ordinary ticket price - but in reality there is little difference to economy travel - a better seat, a cup of coffee and a newspaper.
I am stayng at De Witt place in a studip flat. The flat is lovely and I can see Lake Michogan from my window. This is in the Gold Coast area whch is one of the most expensive ares of Chicago and one of the safest. I would thoroughly recommend it for anyone plannng to visit here.
Things that have surprised me about Chicago are the taffic - on Saturday it was the same as peak hour in Melbourne and the fact that I have seen signs on buildngs prohibiting people bringing guns into the building. Also the amount of homeless people in the city - and these do not look like the normal homeless in that they are clean and tidy and from their signs are just down on their luck. Actuall the Mayor was sworn in today - he is a continuing mayor - and I walked outof a building at lunch timeto see police cars surroinding the intersectin with protestors in the middle of the stret - the lady next to me said it was protest aganstthe cuts he had made.
I have been on the hop on hop off tour for the last three days. I have been amazed at the beauty of this city and Lake Michigan which is due in large partto the beautiful art deco buildings. On the tour we went past Obama's house which is largelu hidden by trees but in a very expensive neighbourhood. I also saw the school his children went to which is just a short walk from his house - although one imgines they will not be able to so this again. Chicago does not make a big deal about this connection - the tour pointed out his favouite restaurants but that is all. Also the secret service have his street barricadedoff at both ends and have agents posted at each end at all times -which must go down well with his neighbours. I also saw the place wher th tavern stood whereLincoln announced his candidacy, where he practised law and where the convention was held making him the candidate.
I was looking for Route 66 - where it starts and had been looking for ages when I literally turned around and almost bumped I to the sign.
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